jeudi, mars 17, 2005
Pouvez-vous patienter monsieur?
Could you hold please sir?
Pronounced: "paw-see-awn-tay"
Note: this is phrase is très common in Québec, but not really used in France.
mercredi, mars 16, 2005
éperdu: distracted (adj)
Quand il pense fort, il devient un peu épardu.
When he thinks hard, he becomes a bit distracted.
Pronounced: "ay-pair-doo"
éperdu de joie: wild with delight
mardi, mars 15, 2005
le pneu: tire (n.)
Les pneus lacérés sont partout sur les autoroutes.
Shredded tires are everywhere on the highways.
Pronounced: "puh-nuh"
Note Culturelle:
It is customary when driving on the highways in France to move over to the right after passing cars. Rarely does a car camp out in the left lane of traffic on the autoroutes like we do in the states. Speed limits signs are in kilometers by the way, they don't use our awesome imperial system. It's not necessary to have a separate driver's license when driving in France or the rest of Europe. Ours work just fine contrary to what many travel agencies state.
lundi, mars 14, 2005
le canapé: couch (n.)
Sprizee vient d'acheté un nouveau canapé d'Ikea.
Sprizee just bought a new couch at Ikea.
Pronounced: "kaw-naw-pay"
[enter Sprizee stage right]
I. Feel. Like. Such. An. Adult. All weekend, everytime I walked into the living room I found myself saying, "Man, this is like a real apartment." Then, Sunday, after the St. Pat's Day Dash, I christen it with a nice long nap. And yes, I realize the previous two statments don't necessarily make any sense. Duh, it's me. I'm random and ungettable. Like Napoleon Dynamite.
[exit Sprizee stage left]
vendredi, mars 11, 2005
le bavardage: gossip (n.)
J'ai entendu beaucoup de bavardage à propos de ma vie le week-end passé.
I heard lots of gossip about my life last weekend.
Pronounced: "baw-vawr-dawj"
jeudi, mars 10, 2005
mercredi, mars 09, 2005
cuver: to ferment (v.)
L'humanité est une vieille ivrognesse qui, pour le moment, cuve sa dernière guerre.
Humanity is an old drunkard who, for the moment, sleeps off its last war.
Pronounced: "coo-vay"
Other uses:
cuver son vin: to ferment one's wine; to sleep it off
cuver sa colère: to sleep, work; or walk off one's anger; to simmer
mardi, mars 08, 2005
le caprice: a whim (n.)
Aujourd'hui, j'ai un caprice pour un collègue.
Today I took a fancy to a co-worker of mine.
Pronounced: "caw-preece"
Other uses:
temps capricieux: changeable weather
les caprices de la mode: the vageries of fashion
faire quelque chose par caprice: to do something on an impulse
avoir des caprices: to be moody
avoir un caprice pour quelqu'un: to take a passing fancy to someone
lundi, mars 07, 2005
vendredi, mars 04, 2005
la déception: disappointment (n.)
Le dîner était horrible. Quelle déception!
The dinner was horrible. What a disappointment!
Pronounced: "day-sep-see-own"
Grammar note: If you want to say the English term deception then you should use tromperie or the verb tromper. Pixies fans should recognize trompe from an album of theirs titled Trompe le Monde which literally means deceive the world or deceive everyone.
A common expression in French is "Oh, je suis désolé, j'ai trompé le numéro." That's how you say "Oh, I'm sorry, I misdialed the phone number."