Qui êtes-vous ?
- Nom : egan
- Lieu : Seattle, Washington, United States
I have a high school diploma and little self-esteem. Oh, I like trees, a lot!
Come learn some french with me and Monkey Boy. Powered by Egan's vocabulary. And by learn french, clearly I mean, procrastinate. Ecoutez-bien mes amis!
At 22 mai, 2005,
Ben said…
.... je sais qu'elle ...
I love the new look!!!
At 24 mai, 2005,
egan said…
merci Katy
At 26 mai, 2005,
egan said…
Oui, and I have also brought back the audio. Blogger is easier for audio than Typepad.
At 05 juin, 2005,
Anonyme said…
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.
At 05 juin, 2005,
Anonyme said…
pas tres francais en France mais peut-etre au Quebec....
At 06 juin, 2005,
egan said…
Oui, c'est l'argot du Quebec.
At 08 juin, 2005,
alipeaks said…
I believe you can also use "je m'en fous"... or is that just French Canadian slang?
At 09 juin, 2005,
egan said…
Ca marche aussi. On peut dire "Je m'en fous" but I think that means more like "who cares" but I think the general meaning is easily understood. I will give it a try tomorrow at work.
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