French Word of the Day

Come learn some french with me and Monkey Boy. Powered by Egan's vocabulary. And by learn french, clearly I mean, procrastinate. Ecoutez-bien mes amis!

vendredi, mai 20, 2005

le sacre: profanity; curseword

Ma mère utilisé les sacres rarement. Quand elle les utilise je sais que elle est faché.
My mom rarely swears. When she does use profanity, I know she's mad.

Pronounced: "sack-ruh"
Slang: Je m'en sacre: I don't give a flying fuck.

this is an audio post - click to play


  • At 22 mai, 2005, Blogger Ben said…

    .... je sais qu'elle ...

    I love the new look!!!

  • At 24 mai, 2005, Blogger egan said…

    merci Katy

  • At 26 mai, 2005, Blogger egan said…

    Oui, and I have also brought back the audio. Blogger is easier for audio than Typepad.

  • At 05 juin, 2005, Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.

  • At 05 juin, 2005, Anonymous Anonyme said…

    pas tres francais en France mais peut-etre au Quebec....


  • At 06 juin, 2005, Blogger egan said…

    Oui, c'est l'argot du Quebec.

  • At 08 juin, 2005, Blogger alipeaks said…

    I believe you can also use "je m'en fous"... or is that just French Canadian slang?

  • At 09 juin, 2005, Blogger egan said…

    Ca marche aussi. On peut dire "Je m'en fous" but I think that means more like "who cares" but I think the general meaning is easily understood. I will give it a try tomorrow at work.


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