French Word of the Day

Come learn some french with me and Monkey Boy. Powered by Egan's vocabulary. And by learn french, clearly I mean, procrastinate. Ecoutez-bien mes amis!

vendredi, mars 04, 2005

la déception: disappointment (n.)

Le dîner était horrible. Quelle déception! The dinner was horrible. What a disappointment! Pronounced: "day-sep-see-own" Grammar note: If you want to say the English term deception then you should use tromperie or the verb tromper. Pixies fans should recognize trompe from an album of theirs titled Trompe le Monde which literally means deceive the world or deceive everyone. A common expression in French is "Oh, je suis désolé, j'ai trompé le numéro." That's how you say "Oh, I'm sorry, I misdialed the phone number."
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  • At 04 mars, 2005, Blogger egan said…

    Someone isn't reading the provided Grammar note. The French word for deception is tromperie. See example in the post Sprizee.

  • At 05 mars, 2005, Blogger Ben said…

    it's the less serious french egan - yea!

  • At 05 mars, 2005, Blogger egan said…

    Oui, tu as raison Katy. Je ne peux pas entendre ma raccordement. C'est bizarre!


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