Qui êtes-vous ?
- Nom : egan
- Lieu : Seattle, Washington, United States
I have a high school diploma and little self-esteem. Oh, I like trees, a lot!
Come learn some french with me and Monkey Boy. Powered by Egan's vocabulary. And by learn french, clearly I mean, procrastinate. Ecoutez-bien mes amis!
At 03 mars, 2005,
Lola said…
I love this site! Great vocabulary!
At 03 mars, 2005,
egan said…
Merci Lola. I appreciate the feedback.
At 03 mars, 2005,
Candy said…
You have quite the following now! Two random commentors. Ever wonder how many people read this site? You should put up a counter. BTW, my favorite entry of late is the one for snot. Keep it up, it adds a smile to my day :)
At 04 mars, 2005,
egan said…
Candy I do have a counter, it's just not visible on the blog. For example today the French blog was viewed 56 times, which is actually the highest total ever. Now that does include my hits to the site also, but who really cares. Merci pour les mots gentils!
At 04 mars, 2005,
egan said…
P.S. Candy, où se trouve votre blog ces jours?
At 05 mars, 2005,
Candy said…
Alors, probablement vous n'y trouvez rien d'interest, mais vous avez demande donc voila:
seedsofpersephone DOT blogspot DOT com
At 06 mars, 2005,
egan said…
Merci beaucoup Candy. Je regarderai votre blog. Bon weekend!
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