French Word of the Day

Come learn some french with me and Monkey Boy. Powered by Egan's vocabulary. And by learn french, clearly I mean, procrastinate. Ecoutez-bien mes amis!

mardi, mars 01, 2005

le congé de maternité: maternity leave (n.)

Je souhaite que je puisse avoir un congé de maternité, cependant je suis un homme. I wish I could have maternity leave, nevertheless I am a man. Pronounced: "con-jay-de-maw-ter-nee-tay"
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  • At 02 mars, 2005, Blogger egan said…

    Tu as raison Sprizee. I can still get maternity leave, but it's not nearly as long as a female. Not that I am complaining. Je comprends pourquoi!


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