French Word of the Day

Come learn some french with me and Monkey Boy. Powered by Egan's vocabulary. And by learn french, clearly I mean, procrastinate. Ecoutez-bien mes amis!

mercredi, mars 09, 2005

cuver: to ferment (v.)

L'humanité est une vieille ivrognesse qui, pour le moment, cuve sa dernière guerre. Humanity is an old drunkard who, for the moment, sleeps off its last war. Pronounced: "coo-vay" Other uses: cuver son vin: to ferment one's wine; to sleep it off cuver sa colère: to sleep, work; or walk off one's anger; to simmer down
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  • At 10 mars, 2005, Blogger Ben said…

    ok, what the hell egan. Tu es tres bizarre ... but i suppose that's vieilles nouvelles ;)

  • At 10 mars, 2005, Blogger egan said…

    Thanks both of you for the compliments. Katy, I think yours is compliment, mais je ne sais pas exactement. A plus tard mes amis.


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