Qui êtes-vous ?
- Nom : egan
- Lieu : Seattle, Washington, United States
I have a high school diploma and little self-esteem. Oh, I like trees, a lot!
Previous Posts
- cuver: to ferment (v.)
- le caprice: a whim (n.)
- faire le bouffon: to be facetious (v.)
- la déception: disappointment (n.)
- un maillot de bain: bathing suit (n.)
- un rot: a belch (n.)
- le congé de maternité: maternity leave (n.)
- la morve: snot (n.)
- se brosser les dents: to brush your teeth (v.)
- un aéroglisseur: hovercraft (n.)
At 11 mars, 2005,
Candy said…
(Assuming Blogger lets me,) Do you mind if I comment on your personal blog? I thought that I should ask, since I'm a random person, and I didn't want to upset anything.
At 12 mars, 2005,
egan said…
Candy, comment away on my personal blog. I love to hear different perspectives on things. Chime in whenever you feel like it.
Looks like Blogger comments are back online now. Merci pour ta commentaire Candy. Bon week-end!
-M. Singe
At 14 mars, 2005,
egan said…
Quaisi, merci mon ami. I am happy you like the site. Have a great week!
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