French Word of the Day

Come learn some french with me and Monkey Boy. Powered by Egan's vocabulary. And by learn french, clearly I mean, procrastinate. Ecoutez-bien mes amis!

vendredi, mai 27, 2005

astucieux: astute (adj.)

Mon amie, Etak, est très astucieuse. Aujourd'hui elle a vu que j'utilise Blogger encore.

My friend, Etak, is very astute. Today she saw that I'm using Blogger again.

Pronounced: "aw-stew-see-uh"
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jeudi, mai 26, 2005

un abat-jour: lamp shade (n.)

Nous avons acheté un abat-jour vert la semaine passé.

We bought a green lamp shape last week.

Pronounced: "aw-baw-zhore"
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vendredi, mai 20, 2005

le sacre: profanity; curseword

Ma mère utilisé les sacres rarement. Quand elle les utilise je sais que elle est faché.
My mom rarely swears. When she does use profanity, I know she's mad.

Pronounced: "sack-ruh"
Slang: Je m'en sacre: I don't give a flying fuck.

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