mardi, novembre 30, 2004
Je ne peux pas raconter une blague pour sauver ma vie.
I can't tell a joke to save my life.
Pronounced: "raw-con-tay oon blahg"
lundi, novembre 29, 2004
le marché aux puces: flea market (n)
On peut acheter beaucoup de choses uniques au marché aux puces.
We can buy lots of unique things at the flea market.
Pronounced: "mar-shay-oh-poose"
NOTE: the expression "ma petite puce/mon petit puce" is a term of endearment that's roughly the same as saying "honey" in English to your significant other or loved one.
jeudi, novembre 25, 2004
le dindon: turkey
Aujourd'hui je fais le dindon.
Today I'm preparing the turkey.
Pronounced: "deen-dawn"
NOTE: la dinde also means turkey, however that's before it becomes someone's Thanksgiving Day treat.
mercredi, novembre 24, 2004
bon courage: good luck
Bon courage avec votre famille pendant les vacances.
Good luck with your family during the vacation.
Pronounced: "bow-koo-rawj"
lundi, novembre 22, 2004
voyager: to travel
Nous voyageons souvent pendant les fêtes.
We travel often during the holidays.
Pronounced: "voy-ah-jay"
le suçon: hickey
Ma maîtresse m'a donné un suçon ce week-end.
My mistress gave me a hickey this weekend.
Pronounced: "sue-sawn"
jeudi, novembre 18, 2004
le patron: boss (n.)
Mon patron m'appelle sa Cake Bitch de temps en temps.
My boss calls me his Cake Bitch from time to time.
Pronounced "paw-trone"
*Note: "Cake Bitch" is actually a term of endearment in many countries, just not this one.
la grenouille: frog (n.)
Il y a un homme avec les grenouilles bizarres sur la télé maintenant.
There's a man on my tv with strange frogs right now.
Pronounced "grenn-wee"
*Historical note: French are known as Frogs simply because they ate frog legs. Similar to why Brits are called Limeys or Germans are called Krauts.
mercredi, novembre 17, 2004
le maillot de bain: bathing suit (n)
Je ne porte que mon maillot de bain à mon boulot chaque jour.
I only wear my swimsuit to work everyday.
Pronounced "my-oh-de-beh"
mardi, novembre 16, 2004
la pluie: rain (n)
Il y a beaucoup de pluie à Seattle, mais c'est pourquoi nous avons beaucoup d'arbres.
It rains a lot in Seattle, but that's why we have so many trees.
Après la pluie, le beau temps.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Pronounced: "ploo-wee"
lundi, novembre 15, 2004
le cadeau: gift (n)
Soyez gentil ou personne ne recoit des cadeaux.
Be nice or nobody gets any gifts.
Pronounced "kah-doh"
vendredi, novembre 12, 2004
télécharger: to download (v)
Pouvez-vous télécharger le logiciel aujourd'hui?
Can you download the software today?
Pronounced "tay-lay-shar-zhay"
jeudi, novembre 11, 2004
la chaussure: shoe (n)
Je prends des photos de mes chaussures quotidiennement.
I take pictures of my shoes daily.
Pronounced "show-sewr"
mercredi, novembre 10, 2004
mardi, novembre 09, 2004
quelque chose: something (n)
Dites-moi quelque chose en français.
Tell me something in French.
Prononounced "kell-kah-shows" (word is always feminine when article is used)
lundi, novembre 08, 2004
une chienne: bitch (n)
Cette chienne a volé mon copain.
That bitch stole my boyfriend.
Pronounced "shee-enne"
*notez bien: this is not to be confused with the verb "to bitch". That is plaindre as in "Mon ami a plaindu que je suis une chienne." This means "My friend bitches/complains that I am a bitch."