French Word of the Day

Come learn some french with me and Monkey Boy. Powered by Egan's vocabulary. And by learn french, clearly I mean, procrastinate. Ecoutez-bien mes amis!

vendredi, décembre 10, 2004

le manteau: coat (n.)

Avec toute la pluie à Seattle, il faut porter votre manteau. With all the rain in Seattle, it's important to wear your coat. Pronounced: "mawn-toe"


  • At 10 décembre, 2004, Blogger egan said…

    Merci mon/ma ami/amie. Il fait mauvais et c'est pourquoi je porte un manteau. Qui est l'ecrivain de votre expression? A plus!

  • At 12 décembre, 2004, Blogger egan said…

    Je ne sais pas Sprizee. I am kind of confused. I understand Infinito's words, but have never heard of Macondo where Infinito originates.

    Just did a little research and Macondo is a ficitional Colombian town in Gabriel Garcia Marquez many legendary writings. I guess he uses it as the setting for many of his books.

    Strangely I just purchased a book of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and should shortly learn more about Macondo. Merci mes amis.

  • At 14 décembre, 2004, Blogger egan said…

    Un gros merci Infinito. A plus tard!


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