virer: to be fired (v.)
Vous êtes viré!
You're fired!
Pronounced: "vear-ay"
Come learn some french with me and Monkey Boy. Powered by Egan's vocabulary. And by learn french, clearly I mean, procrastinate. Ecoutez-bien mes amis!
At 02 décembre, 2004,
egan said…
Amen Mr. Citrus. But isn't blogging during work hours rewarding? I enjoy IMing while at work too. Combine the two and you have a very very productive employee.
At 03 décembre, 2004,
egan said…
Try this proven office trick Mr. Citrus. Drop everything and frantically yell "Fire". That ought to clear out the 20 remaining co-workers of yours. Just happen to shut off your computer before you head down the stairs in a panic!
If you're lucky, you may not be asked to come back in on Monday or any other day after this. Thanks.
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